Gemma Moran

Assistant Professor

Curriculum vitae

gm845 <at>

Statistics Department

Rutgers University



Holdout predictive checks for Bayesian model criticism (previously Population Predictive Checks)

Gemma E. Moran, David M. Blei, Rajesh Ranganath

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B

Identifiable Deep Generative Models via Sparse Decoding

Gemma E. Moran, Dhanya Sridhar, Yixin Wang, David M. Blei

Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2022

The Posterior Predictive Null

Gemma E. Moran, John P. Cunningham, David M. Blei

Bayesian Analysis, 2022

Spike-and-slab lasso biclustering

Gemma E. Moran, Veronika Rockova, Edward I. George

The Annals of Applied Statistics, vol. 15, 2021, pp. 148--173

Spike-and-slab group lassos for grouped regression and sparse generalized additive models

*Ray Bai, *Gemma E. Moran, *Joseph L. Antonelli, Yong Chen, Mary R. Boland

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2020, pp. 1--14

Variance prior forms for high-dimensional Bayesian variable selection

Gemma E. Moran, Veronika Rockova, Edward I. George

Bayesian Analysis, vol. 14, 2019, pp. 1091--1119

Determinantal regularization for ensemble variable selection

Veronika Rockova, Gemma E. Moran, Edward I. George

Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2016


Serendipity based recommender system for perovskites material discovery: balancing exploration and exploitation across multiple models

Venkateswaran Shekar, Vincent Yu, Benjamin J. Garcia, David Benjamin Gordon, Gemma E. Moran, David M. Blei, Loïc M. Roch, Alberto García-Durán, Mansoor Ani Najeeb, Margaret Zeile, Philip W. Nega, Zhi Li, Mina A. Kim, Emory M. Chan, Alexander J. Norquist, Sorelle Friedler, Joshua Schrier

ChemRxiv, 2022


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